We are delighted to share the inspiring story of Mukilan Shanthi, the inaugural recipient of the ‘Dr. Sheila Boland Scholarship in Public Health‘. Reflecting on his journey, Mukilan expressed immense gratitude for the opportunities this scholarship has provided.
Mukilan expressed his heartfelt thanks to UL Foundation and the Donor for enabling him to complete his practical placement. As he embarks on this next chapter, we are confident that Mukilan will continue to achieve great things and inspire others along the way.
Discover more about Mukilan’s story here.
Explore StudyIreland.ie – StudyIreland.ie is a website of blogs, guides and stories by the University of Limerick International Student Ambassador Programme.
Visit UL Global – UL Global at the University of Limerick (UL), assists all international students coming to UL under our Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Study Abroad, Erasmus+, Exchange and Summer School programmes.