Equality and Inclusivity
UL welcomes all students and believes that a university education should be a possibility for everyone.
However, we know that third-level education is not something which is truly accessible to all. UL Foundation seeks to break down some of the barriers by offering financial assistance to students in need of support. This includes for:
- Access
- Inclusion
- Sanctuary
- Special Projects
- Student Financial Aid Fund (Hardship Fund)

- Access – UL’s Access office works to promote and support the participation of students from groups who have been under-represented in the University sector.
- Inclusion – We embrace the opportunity to ensure UL is a truly inclusive university. The Foundation welcomes support for projects which advance diversity and inclusion.
- We were recently able to grant a Traveller Community Scholarship, and with donor support would like to make these and similar grants annual commitments.
- Immersive Software Engineering will have scholarships aimed at promoting gender diversity in this field of learning and GECAS, Ei and others already have long-term engagements with the Foundation in this space.
- The Foundation would also welcome financial support that enables educational opportunities for students with disabilities.
- Sanctuary is an educational programme which provides access to third-level education for those in a refugee situation. To date UL has supported 54 students since the designation as a University of Sanctuary in 2017. UL Foundation, with donor support, hopes to offer additional financial backing to this programme.
- Special projects – with 17,000 students, and ambitious academic leaders, the range of needs across the campus is huge. Where possible, we also work directly with supporters, on projects that are important for them. Right now, we are supporting the Founding Class of 1972 in establishing an Endowment Fund. All funds raised will support bursaries for UL students who are in financial need.
- Student Financial Aid Fund (Hardship Fund) – The fund was established to provide direct support to students who find themselves in circumstances they could not have foreseen. Being able to cover modest basic essentials, for a limited period, makes a huge difference to the lives of students.
To find out how you can get involved, email: sarah.hartnett@ul.ie.
Want to help?
If you would like to make a donation to help more students recieve Scholarships, please follow the steps below :
- Go to our Donation Page
- Choose your Donation frequency and Amount
- Under ‘Projects For Support’ select ‘Equality and Inclusivity’
- Fill out the remaining details and complete your donation

To find out more please contact sarah.hartnett@ul.ie